Now the major burden on our nations people is rising prices of petrol and diesel.We cannot take a step without bikes and car in this situation rising prices of petroleum product creating extra expenses on the shoulders of people.It is also creating a huge extra expense for our farmers because during the cutting electricity they use generator and engines for irrigation.From this point where everybody suffering from this problem GST should be posses on petroleum product.If petroleum product comes under GST that will be great relief for consumers.Currently consumers pay three major taxes on petrol,this tax include Excise Duty,VAT or Value Added Tax and the dealers commission which increase almost 50% of the price burden on consumers.For the nations people petroleum product should be included in GST.
When policies become implemented some change occurs in economy and our politics which is naturally thing.From economical view if petroleum products come under GST there will be huge loss of both centre as well as state government,resulting in a huge hit on their revenues.The 12% increase in central excise duty effected by the government since November 2014 have resulted in the government hitting a jackpot as revenue from petroleum products rose from 3.32 lakh crore in 2014-15 to Rs 5.24 lakh crore in 2016-17.Now Indian economy is in its critical phase,economic indication is discouraging,jobs are missing,monsoons are not as per expectations,GST and Demonetization have hit private investment.In this scenario only positive for the government is earning revenue from the petroleum product’s.Government have lot of plans like giving shelter everyone,creating jobs for youth and many other plans they have,for completing all this enough fund needed,so including petroleum product in GST will be a huge decision for government.It will may be effect our economic condition at a national level.”A study by the Comptroller and Auditor General showed that Union excise duty collection shot up almost 70% from Rs 1.69 lakh crore during 2013-14 to Rs 2.87 lakh crore in 2015-16.
On another side our political benifits beyond economy.Rising prices of petroleum products hurting the political image of government because rising in the prices is causing much more pain for consumers.It is not in the favor of government because 2019 is not too for away.It can be huge loss for the govertment in respect of their image among nations people.So conclusion is government have to translate some relief for the people to win over upcoming elections.As soon as possible government should be taken a positive action for getting majority of peoples favor,which will give positive response in coming 2019 elections.
By-Lalita Rajput