How safe are our Childre

School’s are abode of goddess Saraswati.But today question arising that is schools are safe for our children.Incidents are increasing day to day in schools which are not safe for our children.Every parents are paying fees beyond limit,after that they are not sure about their children’s safety.Children’s are not safe in even school premises.
The Murder of an right year old at Rayan International School in Bhondsi near Gurgaon has but the focus on safety of children within schools.All parents are worried about after that accident.We havnot forget that cruel accident,another accident is infront of us which happened in Indore.Five students of Indore’s Delhi Public School died when their school bus collide with a truck near kanadiya bypass in Madhya Pradesh.We cannot imagin the pain of died children’s parents.So who is responsible for this?Accident occurs due to steering failure,authority says.Can we ask management how can they so irresponsible in respect of children’s safety.Even not checked bus condition before taking in the school premises.Government should be taken strictly action,by establishing child protection committees are other ways to tackle and prevent such incidents.
School children continue to die every year despite the issuance of strict guidelines by the supreme court in the aftermath of a horrific accident in 1997,when a school bus plunged into the Yamuna from a bridge at Wazirabad in Delhi,killing 28students of a government run school at Ludlow Castle.Precaution should be taken like desplaying emergency number,the seat to student ratio,tracking system should be installed etc.
To provide the money for treatment of injurious children is not the solution.Giving our sympathy to parents who lost their children’s in this accident is not more enough we cannot fill that place.Government should be implement some strict rule for every private and govertment school.Childrens are our nations future,everyone responsibility to safe them.Every parents have to raise their voice in favor of children’s safety.
By-Lalita Rajput

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